An International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Clinics

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VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2010 ) > List of Articles


Treatment Decision in the Management of Laryngeal Cancer: An Overview

R Kannan, Sultan A Pradhan

Keywords : Carcinoma larynx,CO2 laser,Concurrent chemoradiation

Citation Information : Kannan R, Pradhan SA. Treatment Decision in the Management of Laryngeal Cancer: An Overview. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Clin 2010; 2 (3):191-194.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10003-1035

Published Online: 01-04-2011

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2010; The Author(s).


A spectrum of treatment plans and surgical procedures are available for management of laryngeal cancer. Transoral laser resection has proved an effective, minimally invasive and functionally satisfactory procedure for management of suitable T1 and T2 glottic cancers, and stage I-III supraglottic cancers. Introduction of chemoradiotherapy has also made great impact on the laryngeal preservation. The treatment of laryngeal cancer should be individualized according to the size and extent of the tumor, the age and physical condition of the patient, and the skill and experience of the surgeon with various treatment modalities and surgical procedures.

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