Fat Myringoplasty and its Impact on the Hearing Mechanism of Middle Ear
Bandar Al-qahtani, Mohammed Al Tuwaijri, Mohammed Al Mokhatrish
Keywords :
Closure of air-bone gap,Fat graft,Tympanoplasty
Citation Information :
Al-qahtani B, Tuwaijri MA, Mokhatrish MA. Fat Myringoplasty and its Impact on the Hearing Mechanism of Middle Ear. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Clin 2015; 7 (3):138-140.
To address the fat grafting to tympanic membrane perforations—fat myringoplasty type I—and its impact over the hearing mechanism of the middle ear for both small (< 25% of the tympanic membrane) and large perforation (> 75 % of the TM).
How to cite this article
Al-qahtani B, Al Tuwaijri M, Al Mokhatrish M. Fat Myringoplasty and its Impact on the Hearing Mechanism of Middle Ear. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Clin 2015;7(3):138-140.
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