Scrofula Mimicking Cutaneous Malignancy: A Rare Case Report
MK Garg, Uma Garg, Ritika Batra, Neha Salaria
Citation Information :
Garg M, Garg U, Batra R, Salaria N. Scrofula Mimicking Cutaneous Malignancy: A Rare Case Report. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Clin 2015; 7 (1):13-15.
Since a long time scrofuloderma (SCF) was thought to be a common disease of childhood and was attributable to Myco_ bacterium tuberculosis. In 1951, a new entity nontuberculous scrofuloderma was described and it is caused by atypical mycobacteria namely Mycobacterium scrofulaceum. The clinical picture closely mimics tuberculous scrofuloderma but diagnosis should be established through culture isolation and identification, because drug susceptibility may be different in these cases.
In this article, we report a case of a 22-year-old pregnant female patient who presented to us with scrofulaceous lesion on the right side of neck.