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Kasemsiri P, Old M, Filho LF, Lara DD, Prevedello DM, Otto BA, Kassam AB, Carrau RL. Expanded Endonasal Approaches to the Anterior Skull Base. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Clin 2011; 3 (3):176-183.
Recent technological advances and growing cooperation between otorhinolaryngologists and neurosurgeons, coupled with an increasing knowledge of the anatomy of the ventral skull base, have led to the development of a series of surgical approaches to this region. Utilizing the nasal corridor, these expanded endonasal approaches (EEAs) benefit from the increased luminosity and definition provided by the endoscope to navigate through this corridor and reach a multitude o pathologies, both neoplastic and degenerative in nature. One of their common uses is to address tumors that arise from or invade the anterior cranial fossa; these lesions may include olfactory groove meningiomas, esthesioneuroblastomas and sinonasal malignancies. In order to safely resect these tumors through EEAs the surgical team must adhere to a series of steps, while planning the procedure as well as carrying it out. In this review article, the authors present these steps and describe the main patient selection criteria and complication avoidance strategies related to expanded endonasal approaches to the anterior skull base.
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