Citation Information :
Pradhan S, Hakeem AH. Management of Head and Neck Cancer: Surgical and Nonsurgical. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Clin 2010; 2 (1):77-85.
It is right time to review the management of head and neck squamous cancer (HNSC) because of fundamental changes in both diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. Head and neck cancer affects area highly associated with the individual's.
identity and can produce profound alteration in appearance, speech, and swallowing. Due to morbidity, disfigurement and problems of disease control clinicians used to have lot of reservations in treating complex HNSC cases. The field has taken a new vigor by incorporating important basic advances in understanding of cancer, new modalities of treatment and management of functional deficits. Although much progress has been made in understanding the molecular genetics of HNSC for novel diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, they are still far to go before becoming standard of care for head and neck cancer.
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