Keywords :
Head and neck cancer,postoperative,adjuvant,radiotherapy
Citation Information :
Murthy V, Kundu S, Shahid T, Budrukkar A, Gupta T, Laskar SG, Agarwal J. Postoperative Radiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Clin 2010; 2 (1):43-51.
Though early stage head and neck cancers can be cured either by surgery or radiation, patients with locally advanced disease continues to pose a therapeutic challenge. Locoregional failure is the major cause of death in head and neck cancers. As the outcome of locally advanced head and neck cancer is less than promising, a combined modality approach is generally undertaken in this group of patients. The combination of surgery, radiation and more recently, chemotherapy and targeted therapy can improve outcomes in locally advanced head and neck cancer patients. This overview discusses the rationale and role of postoperative radiotherapy (PORT) in advanced head and neck cancers, the radiotherapy technique in brief and methods of enhancing the efficacy of postoperative RT by altering the fractionation schedules and adding chemotherapy and targeted therapy.
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