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Chalkiadakis V, Boukouvalas S, Manitsopoulou M, Papadopoulos K, Karatzias G. An Outpatient Approach to the Management of Recurrent Epistaxis in Patients with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Clin 2018; 10 (1):42-45.
Patients with Rendu–Osler–Weber syndrome, a relatively common inherited vascular disorder, usually appear with epistaxis. Treatment is supportive and conducive to the prevention of complications. There are several ways to manage this condition, including conservative, medical, or surgical/ procedural approaches.
Three cases of outpatients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) are presented, who reported recurrent episodes of nasal bleeding. Furthermore, this study focuses on the approach to control episodes of epistaxis in our outpatient department, using radiofrequency (RF) energy in order to achieve coblation. Specifically, the clinical methodology aims to decrease the severity and frequency of nasal bleeding in the long term, with minimal local and general side effects. This will subsequently improve the quality of life in these patients.
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