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Mohindroo NK, Gupta R, Sharma D. Comparison of Surgical Outcome in Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy with and without Silicone Stent Placement: Comparative Case Analysis. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Clin 2018; 10 (1):13-16.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the longterm surgical outcome in endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) with and without silicon stent placement.
Materials and methods: A prospective comparative analysis of 66 patients who underwent primary endoscopic DCR with stenting (group I), revision endoscopic DCR with stenting (group II), and primary endoscopic DCR without stenting (group III) was done. Success was evaluated in the form of subjective and objective analysis with 6 months follow-up.
Results: Out of the 66 patients, 34 underwent silicon stent placement (group I), 5 patients in revision underwent endoscopic DCR with stenting (group II) as against 27 patients in whom DCR was done without stenting (group III). Out of 34 patients of group I, 32 (94.12%) showed complete recovery of symptoms, all 5 patients of group II (100%) and 22 patients in group III (84.48%) out of 27 showed complete recovery of symptoms at 6 months follow-up. Patients with stent placements showed a slightly higher rate of success as compared with patients without stenting (94.12%/100%/84.48%). There was, however, no statistical difference in the success rate between groups I and III (p = 0.17) and between groups II and III (p = 0.78).
Conclusion: Endoscopic DCR with stenting is the preferred treatment of choice in cases of chronic dacryocystitis, with higher success rate, minimal preoperative and postoperative complications. In the present study, advantages of stenting were that there was less hospital stay than without stenting and there was no need of long postoperative lacrimal syringing schedule which is important to maintain the neo-ostium to keep it patent, and without stenting it needed regular syringing for 3 months.
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