The terminology “antrochoanal polyp” emerged from nasal polyp only when Killian in 1906 noted the antral connection of this polyp. Hence, it is also known as Killian's polyp. Many surgical techniques are described for the management of antrochoanal polyp: (1) Killian's avulsion of pedicle of polyp; (2) Caldwell–Luc surgery; (3) endoscopy sinus surgery.
When polyp origin is broadly based or when base is located at unfavorable portion, such as anterior/inferior portion of maxillary sinus, recurrence occurs due to retention of diseased mucosa carrying mucous cyst.
Propensity of polyp to recur after various methods of treatment has led to the development of a technique that causes least recurrence. A technique that prevents recurrence will be the best one.
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